Tips to Plan a Christening for a Busy Momma

We have been wanting to hold a bapitsm for Adelaide for months now but planning it just seemed to get really, really complicated and we didn't know when the godparents would be in town. Turns out Easter weekend, and good Friday in particular, worked out to be the perfect time for us. Our daughter was exactly 6 months old.
I wanted to share some of the things we're did to help other busy mommas plan a baptism; I didn't realize a lot of etiquette suggests you have a party afterwards and that you tip the priest who conducts the ceremony! Annnnnd we're still doing Whole 30 so planning a party, figuring out all the traditions and sentimental things and trying to be healthy all at once seemed very overwhelming. So here's some etiquette things to know, some sentimental things you could gather and some Whole 30 party planning tips.

Some etiquette tips I learned...
1. Make sure to ask the godparents in advance if they are able to serve in the role and clarify what it is. For us, it's a man and woman who are close to our family and who will serve as a male/female role model of the christian faith and help guide our daughter through life in that regard. To others, it can be a signal or symbol of who will take care of the child if something were to happen to you and your spouse. For others, it's a mixture of those or something unique. Since it can mean so many things, I recommend clarifying what the specific role is to the godparents in advance so everyone is clear...and feelings don't get hurt
2. If you plan to have a private ceremony, it is custom to pay the priest. Everything I read online said about $100 can be given from the parents, or the godparents, or a mixture of both, to the church/priest as a donation for his/her time. I also read if it is a public ceremony (like during the service) it is usually $50. Not sure if that's the case everywhere but we had a private ceremony and followed that tip just in case
3. Usually you host a party afterwards, or some type of meet and greet. The idea is for all of your guests to congratulate and welcome the child into the christian faith afterwards
4. You can invite whomever you want. We decided to make this a small family event and only invited immediate family. Some folks make it a big party and invite all family and friends. I've even read some posts about people hosting the baptism before their child's 1st birthday party to include everyone!
5. It's as formal as you make it. We're going to be wearing business casual and spring dress because it's on Good Friday, but some folks are very formal and others are quite casual. Do want fits your church and your family and make sure to let your guests know so they feel comfortable when planning.
6. Gifts are not required. I've done a lot of research for other's baptisms I've heard about. It used to be that if you're an attendee you provide some religious gift - a bible, donation for the church - or something like an outfit for afterwards or college fund money. But more recently, this is not required - so don't expect it :P haha

Some sentimental things, and Did You Know about these traditions, we're including..
1. Baby Christening Gown - Tyler's family has a 5 generation Christening gown that is beautiful and all of the names of his family members who have worn it are stitched on to it. Adelaide just barely fits into it, but we are going to have her wear it, too!
2. Baptismal Ring - My grandma grew up in a small mining town and when she was baptized, her father, who worked in the smelter, made a ring of platinum for her baptismal ring as a symbol of the "marriage" or "eternity" between god and the child as a new christian. My parents added a diamond to it from their travels to the middle east and the result is a beautiful piece of history - a ring worn by my daughter's great-grandma and grandma and now herself!
3. Rosary Beads from Biz Nonna - My daughter is named after my Biz Nonna, or her great-great grandma, Adele. My mom gave me one of her rosary for Adelaide to use during our ceremony. We're not catholic, we're Lutheran, but we thought it a beautiful thing to pass along to represent Adelaide's family history and generational love.
4. Bible from Mom - When I was baptized my parents gave me my first bible, so I have written my name and baptismal date in it and Adelaide's so she has something from her mom to read as a child and eventually pass on to her own!

Whole 30 Party Planning things..
So finally, we're only having about 11.5 people for our "party" afterwards because we decided to keep the event small and just for family. I thought long and hard about this though - how do I have a fun party afterwards and still stick to my Whole30 diet? The answer: Pork Carnitas. I found this recipe on Pinterest here
Basically, my plan is to have some Whole30 and non-Whole 30 options to keep it healthy, affordable and FUN!
1. A quick, affordable menu - I'm going to serve chips/salsa, the crockpot carnitas (cause they can cook while we are gone!), tortillas and salad for carnitas salad. We will also have bubbly water, wine and beer!
2. Fun decorations - I always have fun chalk boards out that say what we're serving to create a fun atmosphere. I also always put out cute colored paper straws for cocktail glam.
Anyway, I hope this was helpful and good luck in planning your own christening! As always, you can shop my post below, too!

5. A party afterwards