The Working Momma Diaries: Goals to Simplifying in 2021 thru The Best Laundry Service!
As we close out 2020, I'm trying to think through ways to simplify. As a working momma, the holidays, and really easing back into the new year, are some of the most stressful times. Its not because of my kids; in all honesty it's me. I want too much: the perfect career, the perfect trimmed tree, the perfect wrapped gifts, the perfect light shows and matching PJs, and the perfect "me" alone time to read and rest and recharge.
I'll say it time and time again. While you (myself included) may not be able to have it all all the time, you can prioritize what you can have at the right times. Next year, I'm prioritizing more me time > clean house and tidying time. You probably think I'm crazy, who loves to clean? Hear me out, doing dishes, cleaning and doing laundry USED to always be a stress reliever for me. But to be honest, with 2 kids running around now and leaning more into my now just annoys me, burns me out and causes anxiety. Looking at the 10-15 loads of laundry a week, hanging it, folding it and putting it away is a huge time suck. The joy of that stress relief is gone, and I'm looking for ways to outsource that stress so I can embrace more overall wellness and attention for my focus right now: my kids & my job.

Also, it's like at the holidays, kids are MEANT to be messy. And I want my kids to have fun...but, that means more frequent laundry. So I've come to a solution of how I can focus on what I want, close out the year right and bring joy to my family.....That's why I'm reverting back to some of my tried and true resources, one of which is the best laundry service in Austin, The Folde. The Folde is a local Austin & Houston business that literally lets you set up an account, throw your clothes into a medium or large size bag, and then have someone contactless-ly pick up the bag, wash, fold and return it to you in 2 days. You get to pick a medium bag (~3 loads) or a large bag (~5-6 loads), the detergent, softener, bleach, hanging preferences, you name it. And it comes back. Beautifully folded in a way I never could. Now all my t-shirts fit into my drawer and aren't crumbled....and my sheets. HOW DO THEY FOLD FITTED SHEETS SO NICELY? I will never know. But, they are a game changer for me.
In fact, I've been using The Folde since before I was pregnant with William; I started when I was pregnant with Adelaide since my hubby and I argued over laundry so much. We stopped for a bit during COVID, cause I thought I could handle it; looks like I signed up for too much, and now, I'm going back.

Interested in checking out their services? Take a peak at how it works here.

I'm not kidding when I say we go thru 40+ loads of laundry a month and at least 2 of these laundry soaps every 3ish weeks. It's expensive. There has to be another way; I actually SAVE money using The Folde now.
I sent my comforters, sheets, kids clothing and my husband and I's clothing. Some weeks, when I have dry cleaning, I use our dry cleaning bag and set it out, too. I'm not kidding when I say the $40 a week for the large bag has in some ways, saved my sanity, my time and my marriage. You can even order multiple pick ups a week. We choose to go with 1 a week and do our sheets and towels on our own. Cutting back to just 2 loads a week is a game changer.

Outsourcing doesn't need to complicated, stressful, or expensive. So, if you're interested in cutting back on your laundry in 2021 too, feel free to try out my code "BALANCE" for $15 off your first pickup - that's 50% off 3 loads of laundry, or $15 for 3 loads. Merry Christmas, mommas.